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Jamie Patrick

Littles (ages 3-5)


Ms. Jamie is a mother to four wonderful children. Before coming to Arise Academy she homeschooled her own children for 6 years and helped teach a homeschool co-op class. Before becoming a mother she enjoyed teaching preschool for 4 years. She also had many opportunities to work with children in the church nursery, kids ministry, and a kids outreach program. She is passionate about education and about raising this young generation to love Jesus and to love learning. 


Olivia LaField

Discoverers (ages 12-15)


A fifty-year public school veteran, author, and mentor, Olivia LaField believes strongly that our most important task is to offer every child the unconditional love, motivation, tools, and support they need to ultimately reach their God-given full potential. Her motto, "The value of a single child surpasses that of a galaxy of stars." has kept her lazar focused on her personal lifelong mission as an educator: to learn to love her students on ever deeper levels. Her latest book, The School that Love Built, tells the story of the miracles that resulted in a school where children were taught to respect themselves and others, work hard to achieve their absolute best, put others before themselves and set goals to become people of honor and integrity who love the truth.


Kathy Stainbrook

Explorers (ages 5-8)


Mrs. Stainbrook has lived in Shasta County her entire life. She and her husband have four grown children and a teenage son, as well as eight grandchildren. She earned her teaching credential through Simpson University in 2003, but she's been teaching long before that in pre-school, Sunday School, and Awana classes. Kathy wants children to know how deeply valued and loved they are by God, while simultaneously developing a love of learning.


Shannon Baldry

Pioneers (ages 15-18)


 Ms. Shannon has been a teacher for 12 years through CSU Chico Rural Teachers Residency. She has a passion for life-long learning and people. Ms. Shannon believes in education of the whole person alongside academic knowledge. She is a mother of two teenagers and has lived in Maui, Butte and Shasta County.


Diana Holmes

Adventurers (ages 8-11)


Mrs. Holmes is a mother of five adult children and seven grandchildren. Her hobbies are sewing, singing and painting rocks. She has been in education for 23 years total, 16 years as an aide and 7 years a credentialed teacher, her specialty is differentiating programs to fit the learners needs. Diana loves to work with children because they are so full of wonder and she enjoys making stories come alive for the learners as they read.

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